Midwayer Films OÜ offers a variety of different courses, including voice acting, screen & film acting and much more. Find suitable training for you from our selection of courses. If you didn’t find a suitable one, contact us and we will find the right one for you!
Please note that all courses for independent learning are in Estonian only! We are actively working on an English translation. Thank you for your patience! For tailor-made courses in English, please contact us at info@midwayerfilms.com or +372 57703765
More information about current and upcoming courses can be found under the “courses” section or on our Midwayer Films Facebook page.

At first, I only knew a couple of things about Johann Urb, who his father is and that he is a Hollywood actor, but after the acting course on March 13th, emotions were running high. I gained new knowledge and tricks from a true professional in the field. I realized that many are stuck in their little boxes and don’t pursue their dreams – you have to chill and do what you love!
After the first meeting with Johann, I already knew that the webinar “Acting as Therapy” on March 20, 2021, would be a cool evening, but I couldn’t anticipate just how cool and full of positivity it would be. Johann casually mentioned his collaboration with Bruce Willis, gave examples, taught various breathing techniques and tricks on how to get into and out of character, which is very important. I didn’t expect Johann to be such an amazing person. I liked everyone’s friendliness and the fact that you could be yourself.
Maximum points to the content, quality, organizers, and Johann for the training!
I have attended three voice acting workshops and one film acting course. I have really enjoyed these experiences because of the new knowledge, new experiences, and meeting new people. In the voice acting workshops, I particularly enjoyed learning about dubbing cartoons and how to do voiceovers for commercials. At Johann Urb’s training, I learned what a great and kind person Johann is, how fascinating and challenging the world of filmmaking can be, and what it takes to become a film actor.I also need to praise the organizer of all these workshops, Helen Anvelt. Helen is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She is always cheerful and helpful. Her workshops have always been very enjoyable. In every workshop, she has presented slides with all the information (for example, about voice acting): breathing, releasing nervous tension, voice control, and so on. Of course, she also takes care of the participants during the workshops. During in-person workshops, she always sets up a small table with cookies, apples, oranges, carrots, tea, lemon water, and small drinks. For those who have attended multiple workshops, she also offers discounts for other workshops. Many thanks to you, Helen, for these wonderful workshops!
My expectations for the trainings weren’t in any way specific or related to the field. I was expecting something new and enjoyable, and that’s what I got. I liked the fun and friendly atmosphere, created by the shared hobby of various specialists. I appreciated the extensive groundwork done by the organizer, although getting acquainted with it took some time. There wasn’t anything that I didn’t like. Time was limited, but more time means a higher price, so I’m satisfied.Regarding the content and study materials of the training, including their practicality, I rate them a ten out of ten. I also rate highly the relationship between the price paid and the quality received. I give both the organizer, Helen Anvelt, and the trainer, Johann Urb, maximum points. Johann is a lovely, free-spirited, and friendly person, just like you, Helen! 10 points!
The webinar I attended took place in a very pleasant, warm, and supportive atmosphere. For me, it was informative and provided good ideas for self-improvement. Johann Urb’s feedback was so heartfelt and encouraging! The breathing exercise he taught, however, was absolutely fantastic!
The film acting training was a new experience for me, which was exceptionally inspiring! I am very grateful and happy!
Courage and curiosity have been my companions since childhood, so at the age of 58, I decided to enroll in a 5-hour online film acting course on April 24, 2021, from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM. It seemed to me that I handled the different scenes, dialogues, and Meisner technique well…
Many thanks to Johann Urb and Helen Anvelt (Midwayer Films), as well as all the participants!
I recommend EVERYONE to try everything they haven’t done in life.
Age is not an obstacle in anything, as one might suspect with Estonians… I encourage EVERYONE!